mercoledì 8 agosto 2007

Free Download: BOB MARLEY - Wounded Lion Sessions 1979

Una chicca per tutti gli estimatori di Bob Marley: le Wounded Lion Sessions del 1979! Contiene due canzoni assolutamente inedite: "Wounden Lion" e "Babylon System".

Track 01
Wounded Lion 20.39m (28.3MB)
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Track 02
You Talk Too Much 3.41m (5.0MB)
Track 03
Babylon System [take 1] 5.19m (7.3MB)
Track 04
Babylon System [false start] 0.15m (374k)
Track 05
Babylon System [take 2] 10.08m (13.9MB)
Track 06
Babylon System [take 3] 10.04m (13.8MB)

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